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AGNIPATH recruitment details

The AGNIPATH scheme is a significant initiative by the Indian Ministry of Defence, offering a unique opportunity for Indian youth to serve in the Armed Forces. The program aims to recruit 'Agniveers' for a tenure of four years, providing them with military training, a good salary, and a potential pathway to future employment opportunities.

Here's a summary of the AGNIPATH recruitment details:
* Vacancies: 46,000 Posts
* Job Role: Agniveer
* Qualification: 8th, 10th, 12th pass
* Age Limit: 17 to 23 years
* Salary: Rs. 30,000 - 40,000 per month
* Location: All over India
* Selection Process: Physical and Medical tests
* Application Mode: Online

Financial Benefits:
* 1st Year: Rs. 21,000 per month
* 2nd Year: Rs. 23,100 per month
* 3rd Year: Rs. 25,580 per month
* 4th Year: Rs. 28,000 per month
* Total Earnings in 4 Years: Rs. 11,72,160
* Severance Package after 4th Year: Rs. 11,71,000
* Grand Total after 4th Year: Rs. 23,43,160

Additional Benefits:
* Comprehensive military training
* Accommodation, food, and clothing
* A disciplined lifestyle
* A mature mindset

Post-Service Opportunities:
Agniveers will have job offers from various sectors after completing their service, including:
* Tri-Forces (Army, Navy, Airforce)
* Central Armed Police Forces like CRPF, CISF, BSF
* Railway Protection Force, GRP
* Government departments like Customs & Central Excise, Forest Departments
* Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) like ONGC, IOCL, HPCL
* Indian Railways, State Police, Banks
* Corporates like TATAs, Wipros, Mahindras
* Private security agencies, logistics, cargo, warehousing companies
* Airliners, community policing, and many more.

Additionally, there's a 10% quota for Agniveers in Coast Guard, Defence civilian posts, and nearly 100 Defence PSUs & R&D units.

For accurate and up-to-date information on the AGNIPATH recruitment, interested candidates should visit the official [Indian Army website] or the [myScheme portal] for the Agnipath Yojana. It's important to verify the details from official sources before proceeding with the application process.

What are the physical and medical tests for AGNIPATH?

What is the training duration for Agniveers?

The Agniveer training program varies depending on the branch of the armed forces. Here are the details:

1. Indian Navy:
   - Basic Training: 16 weeks
   - Sea Training: 2 weeks
   - Professional Training: 16 weeks

2. Indian Army:
   - Basic Military Training (BMT): 10 weeks
   - Advanced Military Training (AMT) at regimental centers: 21 weeks

After the training period, Agniveers will be recruited for a four-year service. During this service, they will receive a monthly remuneration of Rs. 30,000 with a fixed annual increment. Upon completing the four-year engagement, Agniveers will be eligible to receive a 'Seva Nidhi' package, which is exempted from income tax. The Agniveer scheme aims to provide a transformative induction program for those joining the armed forces, and it offers unique opportunities for young individuals to serve their country and gain valuable experience.

Are there any specific skills or qualifications needed?

Yes, there are specific qualifications and skills required for the Agniveer roles in the Indian Army. Here's a brief overview:

* Agniveer (General Duty): Requires Class 10th/Matric with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. Candidates with a valid Light Motor Vehicle (LMV) Driving License are given preference for Driver requirements.

* Agniveer (Technical): Requires 10+2/Intermediate Exam Pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and English with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 40% in each subject. Alternatively, a 10th/Matric pass with 50% in aggregate and minimum 40% in English, Maths, and Science with 02 Years of Technical Training from ITI or a 2/3 years Diploma from a recognized educational institution including polytechnics.

* Agniveer Clerk/Store Keeper (Technical): Requires 10+2/Intermediate Exam Pass in any stream (Arts, Commerce, Science) with 60% marks in aggregate and minimum 50% in each subject. Securing 50% in English and Maths/Accounts/Book Keeping in Class XII is mandatory.

In addition to educational qualifications, candidates must meet physical and medical standards. They also undergo a Physical Standard Test & Medical Test based on which the final merit list is released. For the written examination, the Agniveer syllabus includes subjects like General Awareness, Logical Reasoning, Mathematics, and General Science.

For detailed information on the eligibility criteria, you can refer to the official Indian Army website or the myScheme portal for the Agnipath Yojana. It's crucial to ensure that you meet all the requirements before applying.


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