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NEET 2025 You Need to Know

NEET 2025: Everything You Need to Know

Preparing for the NEET 2025? Here’s an overview to help you get acquainted with the exam's key details and important dates.

Exam Overview
The National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET) is an undergraduate national-level exam conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Held once a year, it is the gateway for aspiring medical students to secure admissions in various courses such as MBBS, BDS, BSc Nursing, BAMS, and BVSc & AH.

In 2024, approximately 25 lakh candidates registered for the exam, highlighting its competitive nature. NEET 2025 will be conducted in an offline mode, where candidates will use paper and pencil to answer the questions.

Important Details
Exam Fees:
- General: INR 1,700
- OBC: INR 1,600
- Reserved Categories: INR 1,000
- Foreign Nationals: INR 9,500

Exam Duration and Timing: The exam will last for 3 hours and 20 minutes, from 2 PM to 5:20 PM (IST).

Subjects and Total Marks: The exam includes Physics (180 marks), Chemistry (180 marks), and Biology (360 marks), making a total of 720 marks. Candidates will face 200 questions but need to attempt only 180.

Marking Scheme: For each correct answer, candidates will receive +4 marks, while each incorrect answer will attract a penalty of -1 mark.

Exam Cities: NEET 2025 will be held in 554 cities across India and 14 cities abroad.

Medium of Paper: The exam will be available in 13 languages including English, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Punjabi, and Telugu.

Accepting Colleges: There are 1,613 colleges that accept NEET scores.

Total Number of Seats:
- MBBS: 1,09,145
- BDS: 27,868
- BAMS: 52,720
- BVSc & AH: 603

 Key Dates (Tentative)
- Exam Date Announcement: Fourth week of September 2024
- Application Form Release: Second week of February 2025
- Application Form Last Date: Second week of March 2025
- Application Correction Window: Third week of March 2025
- City Intimation Slip: Fourth week of April 2025
- Admit Card Release: First week of May 2025
- Exam Date: First week of May 2025
- Provisional Answer Key and Objections: First week of June 2025
- Result and Final Answer Key: Second week of June 2025

Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for NEET 2025 are expected to remain unchanged from the previous year. Candidates must have completed Class 12 or an equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English as core subjects. General category candidates need a minimum of 50% marks in PCB, while SC/ST/OBC candidates need 40%, and PwD candidates need 45%.

Candidates must be at least 17 years old as of December 31, 2025. There is no upper age limit for appearing in NEET 2025. Indian Nationals, NRIs, OCIs, PIOs, and Foreign Nationals are eligible to apply.

Key instructions for your NEET exam:

1. Duration and Question Format:
   - The test is 3 hours and 20 minutes long.
   - The Test Booklet contains 200 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany and Zoology).
   - Each subject has 50 questions, divided into two sections (A and B):
     - Section A: Questions 1 to 35, 51 to 85, 101 to 135, and 151 to 185 (compulsory).
     - Section B: Questions 36 to 50, 86 to 100, 136 to 150, and 186 to 200 (choose any 10 out of 15).
   - Read all 15 questions in each subject of Section B before attempting them.

2. Scoring:
   - Each correct response earns 4 marks.
   - Incorrect answers result in a deduction of 1 mark.
   - The maximum score is 720.

3. Writing Instruments:
   - Use a Blue/Black ballpoint pen for writing particulars and marking responses on the Answer Sheet.

4. Work Space:
   - Complete all work in the space provided in the Test Booklet.

5. Submission:
   - Hand over the Answer Sheet (ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy) to the Invigilator after completing the test.
   - You can take the Test Booklet with you.

6. Answer Sheet Guidelines:
   - Ensure the Answer Sheet is not folded.
   - Avoid stray marks on the Answer Sheet.
   - Write your Roll No. only in the specified space.
   - White fluid correction is NOT allowed.

7. Admit Card:
   - Show your Admit Card to the Invigilator on demand.

8. Seating and Leaving:
   - Do not leave your seat without permission.
   - Electronic/Manual calculators are prohibited.

9. Conduct:
    - Follow all Rules and Regulations of the examination.
    - Cases of unfair means will be dealt with accordingly.

11. Detachment:
    - Do not detach any part of the Test Booklet or Answer Sheet.

12. Test Booklet Code:
    - Write the correct Test Booklet Code in the Attendance Sheet.

Good luck with your NEET preparation! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. 🌟

NEET Helpline
For any queries, candidates can contact the helpline numbers 011-69227700 and 011-40759000 or email and 

For the latest updates and detailed information, visit the official NEET websites: []( and [](

Stay informed and prepare well to achieve your medical career aspirations through NEET 2025!


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