The Holidays web page provides information about public and optional holidays for different months. You can explore holidays based on the type (public or optional) and select a specific month to view the corresponding holiday details.
Getting Started
To use the Holidays web page, follow these steps:
1. Open the web page in a compatible browser.
2. Explore the different tabs and select the type of holidays you want to view (Public or Optional).
3. Choose a specific month from the dropdown menu.
4. The web page will display the corresponding holiday information for the selected type and month.
The web page has two tabs: Public Holidays and Optional Holidays.
- Public Holidays Tab: Displays information about public holidays.
- Color: Red
- Click on the tab to view public holidays.
- Optional Holidays Tab: Displays information about optional holidays.
- Color: Black
- Click on the tab to view optional holidays.
Month Dropdown
Use the Month Dropdown to select a specific month for which you want to view holiday details. Choose from the available options in the dropdown list.
Holiday Results
The Holiday Results section displays the holiday information based on your selections. It includes the date and name of each holiday.
- If holidays are available for the selected type and month, they will be listed.
- If no holidays are available for the selected type and month, a message stating "No holiday in [selected month]" will be displayed.
Weekend Highlight
Saturdays and Sundays are highlighted in red for better visibility in the holiday results. This helps distinguish weekends from weekdays.
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