Start to End Each and every steps How to add website in IIS Manager , with all important points Three easy steps going really very easy to understand and making your... In this blog you will get only important and easy posts where all can understand easily, specially Beginners... If you didn't SUBSCRIBE yet Please SUBSCRIBE and like Please watch till end for better understand... Don't skip for now Step 1 Create a folder to store your Website content.. Look how to do.. On the local file system/ Open C drive then open inetpub folder Right click anywhere in the folder Select new Click folder Name the folder (website name) Minimize it... Step 2 Open IIS Manager Expand the server node In the connections panel right click the site node and Then Click add website In the site name box Type your website name, Which created in inetpub (Name must be same) In the physical path box Type or browse the path In the port box Type the port number, whic...